Frequently Asked Questions
I really need to send bulk email. What can I do?
Contact the ITS Help Desk to learn about options for sending bulk email.
If I use the service, will people know the email is from me (or my department)?
Yes. These services allows you to designate the sender and reply-to addresses, a name that will appear in the message’s “From” field, and a Subject.
Why can't I just use my regular Lafayette account?
Receiving mail servers often identify bulk email as spam.
Using a commercial services for bulk email avoids those problems because the company has relationships with Internet Service Providers that help keep users of its services off of email blacklists.
Are there other benefits of using a bulk email service?
Yes. These services provide reporting information so you can see (e.g.) who clicked on links included in the message and to which addresses (if any) the message was not delivered (and for what reasons).
How should the message look?
You should look at the message before it is sent to make sure that it looks professional and does not look like a phishing scam. Ask yourself, if you were to receive this message, would you think it is legitimate?
Can I include links, images and other things in my message?
Yes. You have the option of sending your message as HTML, which allows you to format the message and include images and links. They also offer several message templates as well as the ability to create your own to match your department’s or project’s identity.
How do I get my addresses into these systems?
Create a list of addressees in Excel, then save the list as text (.txt), or as Comma Separated Values (.csv), or as an Excel spreadsheet (.xls). Address lists in all of these file formats can be imported into the services.