Adding an event feed
An Event Feed Callout can be added to sites on Forge that dynamically display the next three upcoming events from a particular events category on
- Log in to your site on Forge
- Navigate to the page you would like to add the event feed
- Click the “Edit Page” link in the black quick links bar at the top of the page
- Scroll down to the section called “In-Content Callouts”
- Click the [Add Callout] button
- Choose “Events Feed” from the pop-up menu.
- A new “Events Feed” component is added to the page. Edit its options:
- Color: Click on the dropdown menu and choose one of three colors for the block: red, blue, or tan
- Event Category: Click on the dropdown menu and choose one of the event categories from the calendar (note: tags are not supported by this component)
- Link URL: Add the web address for the category from the College Calendar (e.g. is the “ITS” category). (Note: If not category is specified, the component will link to the College Calendar’s homepage).
- After configuring the component’s characteristics, scroll up to the top of the page and click [Publish] (if it is a new page) or [Update] (if it is an existing page) within the “Publish” block in upper right-hand column.
Updating an event component
- Navigate to the page containing the Events Feed Callout
- Click the “Edit Page” link in the black quick links bar at the top of the page
- Scroll down to the section called “In-Content Callouts”
- Make any necessary changes to the component via the “Color” and “Event Category” dropdown menus or by updating the Link URL field.
- After configuring the component’s characteristics, scroll up to the top of the page and click [Publish] (if it is a new page) or [Update] (if it is an existing page) within the “Publish” block in upper right-hand column.