What can I move from Google My Drive to Shared drives?
To move files from My Drive to Shared drives:
- You must have at least the Contributor role in the Shared drive to which you are moving files.
- You can move files of which you are the Owner.
- You can move several files at once by multi-selecting.
What cannot be moved to Shared drives?
- Folders. To move folders in their entirety from My Drive to Shared drive, you will need to request special access by contacting the Help Desk at help@lafayette.edu or (610) 330-5501.
- Files and documents of which another person is the Owner. This can be circumvented by adding the owner of the files or folders as a member of the destination Shared drive with a minimum of the Contributor role.
How will moving files affect other collaborators?
- Permissions granted on individual files are preserved even after the files are moved.
- Note: Permissions assigned to a My Drive folder do not get assigned to individual files contained in that folder when these files are moved. For instance, if frosta@lafayette.edu is given Edit access to a My Drive folder, the files contained inside that folder will not retain the permissions for frosta@lafayette.edu when the files are moved to the destination Share drive.
- File permissions and links are not changed when moved.
- People who are not members of the destination Shared drive will still be able to access the file if they were previously granted access to an individual file.
- After moving, files are no longer available in My Drive, and are only viewable in the destination Shared drive.
- Files that are moved will remain in a user’s Shared with me and Recent locations on Google Drive if they have recently opened the file or it was shared with them by the owner.
How to move a file into Shared drives
- Go to drive.google.com in a web browser.
- Drag and drop the file(s) from My Drive to Shared drives using the left sidebar.
- The time required to move the file(s) depends on the size of the file(s). A message will appear confirming when the file(s) was moved successfully.
- If there are collaborators on the file’s original folder, a message warning that “Some people may lose access” will appear.