There are two ways to add files to your Moodle course site.

Dragging and dropping files

Moodle allows you to drag files from your computer directly to your course page.

  1. Select the “Edit Mode” toggle in the upper right to begin editing the course site.
  2. Locate on your device the file or files you want to add, then drag them into a topic block.
  3. Be sure you see “Drop files here to add them at the bottom of this section” on the topic block before releasing. Files will be added at the bottom of the topic block and can be moved by selecting the file, then drag-and-drop to where you’d like them to go.

Adding a file from the interface

However, you may want to add a file manually to configure additional options such as a custom name or description.

  1. Select the “Edit Mode” toggle in the upper right to begin editing the course site.
  2. Within the topic block click Add an activity or resource.
  3. A pop-up window with open with all the activity or resource options, click on the File icon.
  4. Enter a display name for the file. You also can enter a description of the file that will display on the course page by checking “Display description on course page.”
  5. Drag-and-drop the file from the computer, or click the [Add] button followed by Upload a file.
  6. Click the [Choose file] button to select the file.
  7. Click the [Upload this file] button.
  8. Click the [Save and return to course] button.
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