Preview Folder Contents

Folders are a useful way to group content together and now have the option to allow students to preview the folder contents on the main course page as well as an optional [Download folder] button to download the contents.

Expanded folder view on Moodle course homepage with "Download Folder" button

Enable Folder Preview

In the “Edit Settings” interface for the folder, set “Display folder contents” to “Inline on a course page” to display a preview of the folder contents. Check the box for “Show download folder button” if you would like the [Download folder] button to display.

Black circle around "Inline on a course page" option for "Display folder contents". "Show download folder button" is also checked.

Collaborative File Sharing with Students

Google Shared drives can be used to collaboratively share files with and among students. Should you need to know more about setting up a Google Shared drive, see Getting Started with Google Shared Drives. Google Groups can be used to share files and folders within Google Shared drives.  Every Moodle course site has an accompanying Google Group with enrollments that match those in Moodle. See, Using Google Groups for Collaboration and Google Groups for Courses for more information.

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