Google Assignment is an alternative to the Assignment activity native to Moodle allowing students to create and submit work through Google Drive. Copies of submissions will be saved in corresponding folders accessible by both instructor and student. Grading within the Google Assignments interface allows instructors to create rubrics and comment banks and provide meaningful feedback to students within the Google Assignment interface. Grades are automatically incorporated into Moodle gradebook. Students are not notified of grades until the instructor explicitly releases scores back to the class.

*For best results, use Google Chrome.

Adding a Google Assignment activity:

  1. Select the “Edit Mode” toggle in the upper right to begin editing the course site.
  2. Choose the section to which you would like to add your Google Assignment.
  3. Click Add an activity or resource.
  4. Choose Google Assignments LTI from the Activity assignment in moodle
  5. Before naming the activity, click Select Content. This is where you will input assignment details. You may be prompted to link your Gmail account – be sure to use your Lafayette Gmail account.
    Google Assignment log in
  6. After selecting [Continue], the Google Assignments setup page will open in a new tab. This is where you will modify the total points and the due date for the given assignment. You also have the option to attach a file – possibly an assignment description. Once students open the Google Assignment, they will each receive a copy of anything that you attach.
    setting up the google assignment
  7. Once you have confirmed the Assignment details, click [Create]
  8. The setup window will automatically close, and you will be brought back to the screen that you saw in Step 3. You should see a message toward the top of the page confirming content is selected.
    linked google assignment in moodle
  9. You can change the name of the assignment, add a description, and any other details as necessary.
  10. Select [Save and return to course] to finalize the assignment activity. Once back on your course page, you can verify that the activity was created. Next to your assignment name, the icon will be a blue clipboard.

Note: Google Assignments do not work well for group assignments as each student’s assignment will need to be graded individually – group grading is not an option.


  • All Google Assignments must be created in Moodle. These are not the same as assignments created at
  • To create multiple Google Assignments, each assignment must be created separately. You cannot duplicate the activity.

Submitting to Google Assignment (for Students):

  1. As a student, you would interact with the Google Assignment activity just as you would the Moodle Assignment activity
    Student view of Google Assignment submission
  2. After opening the Google Assignment activity, click [Open in Assignments] to submit a file or create a document in Google Drive to submit
    Student View of how to submit your work in Google Assignment
  3. Select the file(s) to submit and click [Submit]
    Student view of confirming selection of file to submit in Google Assignment

After selecting [Submit] twice confirm that the file(s) has been submitted successfully
Student view of confirmation of successful Google Assignment submission

Grading from Google Assignment (for Instructors):

  1. Once you successfully create a Google Assignment activity and have student submissions, you are ready to grade
  2. Open the Google Assignment activity and click [Open in Assignments] in order to begin grading
  3. From the list, select a student name to grade a particular submission
    Choosing a student submission to grade in Google Assignment interface
  4. There are three buttons along the right side of the screen once you are in grading mode. The first lists the files that were submitted, including date last modified. The second icon allows you to enter a grade and overall feedback for the student. The third icon brings up a comment bank of frequently used comments that you store to use and reuse in multiple assignments and submissions.
    Google Assignment grading icons
  5. Once you enter a grade, the student will not be notified. Grades are returned to students and pushed to the Moodle gradebook only after you click [Return] within Google Assignments.
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