Mar 26, 2018
Adding, Deleting, and Using Moodle Blocks
The left and right columns of Moodle's layout can be customized with different blocks.
The left and right columns of Moodle's layout can be customized with different blocks.
Within Moodle it is possible to export all submissions for a particular assignment, potentially facilitating offline grading.
A guide to understanding the various roles in Moodle and how to manually enroll users in Moodle or Spaces.
How to organize uses into Moodle Groups both manually and automatically. How to create Groupings and assign assignments to Groups and Groupings.
Sometimes an instructor may want to have students share files with the class. By making a permission change, students can upload files to a Moodle Folder…
Moodle provides a self-service tool for professors to merge courses for which they are listed with the Teacher role.
Students requiring documented accommodations, or students absent the day of a Quiz, may require additional time for, or access to, Quizzes in Moodle. Granting…
MathJax will render LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers. Our instance of Moodle uses the MathJax filter by default…
Using the principles of Universal Design and best practices allows for the creation of content that is simple and intuitive for all users, flexible to…
If you want to add a file to your course page, you could simply drag-and-drop it there. However, you may want to add a file manually to configure additional…