May 12, 2021
Missing Courses in Moodle
Instructions on how to find a missing Moodle course.
Instructions on how to find a missing Moodle course.
Instructions for setting up a Moodle assignment to accept multiple submissions over a period of time.
Annotating Assignment Files Using Built-In Moodle Tools Instructors can use the built-in annotation tools in Moodle Assignments to markup files submitted…
Information about Moodle quiz, assignment, and Google assignment, the primary forms of assessment in Moodle.
At a basic level, the Glossary activity in Moodle is used to create a collection of entries, much like a dictionary or encyclopedia.
The checklist activity in Moodle allows teachers to create a hierarchical list or schedule of course-related activities (which can be labeled as required…
A persona is a fake user account with which we can test various applications.
Holding virtual office hours helps to reinforce instructor presence, provide greater support to students learning remotely, and makes the instructor more…
The user report, available through the Gradebook in Moodle, displays grades for individual students in a particular course. This is a helpful view to control…
The Grading Workflow for Moodle Assignment activities allows the instructor control over the grading of and releasing of grades for all submissions.