Sep 17, 2021
Record Separate Video Feeds in Zoom
Recording multiple video feeds in Zoom allows you to automatically create an interactive video in Kaltura that uses a picture in picture video player allowing…
Recording multiple video feeds in Zoom allows you to automatically create an interactive video in Kaltura that uses a picture in picture video player allowing…
Live Transcript Host Controls The meeting host controls if Auto-Transcription is available on a meeting-by-meeting basis. Enabling the Live Transcript…
Planning your event Questions to consider as you plan your event What is the purpose or goal of your event? When will your event occur? How many attendees…
Unlike a meeting where attendees often interact with one another, webinars are best for larger events where attendees watch a speaker at a town hall or…
Zoom Breakout Rooms allow the host of a meeting to create “rooms” that participants can be assigned to ahead of time or assigned to randomly on-the-fly…
For Fall 2020, a select list of Smart Classrooms have been equipped with Lumens cameras to assist in remote teaching.
Google Calendar provides a simple interface through which to schedule your courses with Zoom. Reoccurring Calendar events allow for the use of a single…
Holding virtual office hours helps to reinforce instructor presence, provide greater support to students learning remotely, and makes the instructor more…
The following are some best practices to use when web conferencing. Google Meet and Zoom are Lafayette's supported web conferencing platforms.
Instructions on how to manage your Zoom recordings.